Sunday 25 June 2017

Why I don't like going out

I've become so scared of the outside world. 

When I say this some people may laugh but to me and many others it is a real problem. I hate going out. Now its not because of the fresh air or the scenery where I live that makes me like this. Its the people. 
Its people who I've become scared of. Scared of even the people I know and have known for years.
I'm scared of seeing them in the street and what they must think of me. 
Scared that they may talk to me. Then there is that awkward conversation. The conversation were they look down on me and think I am lazy for not having a job. For no longer being in education. Looking at me and thinking I am just a low life.

Its not like I haven't had a job before and enjoyed working and my education. And to those (if any) of you who have looked at my previous posts know that I was in University up until November last year but had to leave due to my mental health getting to the point I just couldn't function.
The reason I get so worried that people are going to judge me because I don't do anything is through experience. 
People never start of the conversation with how have you been?
How are you doing? Hows everything going?
They just dive straight in with so what do you do for work? are you studying at the moment?
If you reply with that you are doing neither of these things.... well, its sad to say you just get looked down upon.
People just jump to the conclusion that you are lazy. That you are a slacker. You can see their minds taking in the information and those thoughts showing in their minds.
Now its that which i can't deal with. 
The judgement. 
The judgement of those who know little parts of your life or have heard things through word of mouth or from social networking 'friends' 
They assume they know your whole life story. And within a few seconds they have made their mind up about you. 
Now that is the reason I hate to go out. 
You don't even have to have spoken to someone or even known them these days for them to be able to form an opinion about you. All they have to do is see you and a snap judgement has been made based on how you look. 

I suppose at some point in our lives we are all guilty of making a snap judgement about someone. But now it is time to realise that it just isn't fair.
People like me should not live in fear and anxiety about what others may think and say about us. 
This has become a major contributor in my mental health and I hate it. If we didn't live in a world were we judged people too quickly things would be so much better and easier for people like myself. People wouldn't have to put on such a front or hide away. 
Or only come out at night when they know they won't have to see anyone.
Think before you judge someone because you just never know what actually is going on in their life or how they feel.

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