Friday 14 April 2017


So yesterday this happened. I joined Slimming world.
For me this is a huge step in the right direction. I sat in a room full of people which is completely out of my comfort zone. 

However, a couple of months ago....Even just a few weeks ago I would never have done this. 

When I got to the group everyone was really friendly which helped massively. But as i registered then sat in a seat ready to be inducted into the group, my brain screamed anxiety. It was a difficult environment to be in considering I don't leave the house much and when I do leave the house I always have somebody with me for support...Kind of like a comfort blanket for a small child. But that day I didn't have a comfort blanket. 
After being in this environment for about 15- 20 minutes my brain came to the realisation that I wasn't going to give in and run back home. I was in it until the end of the session. I couldn't leave even if I wanted to because I would draw more attention to myself. 
But I must admit once I got home after that session I felt a sense of relief. 
I am really proud of myself. For pushing myself to do something uncomfortable. 
I have come to realise the only way I am going to get better is to push myself in the right direction. To take little steps forward. 
Although this is may look like a  small step, for me this is a huge step. I have realised how far I have come.
A couple of months and even weeks a go I thought I couldn't go on. I wouldn't leave the house at all. And now I have left the house, joined a group and spoke to other people.

Hopefully with the continuation of this group I can continue to make progress. So here is to a step in the right direction. Becoming healthy from the inside out. And to the start of a journey to having and maintaining a healthy mind and body.  

A new beginning........... 


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